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Trust Management and Infrastructure

RP Trust Management

This section is based on the following assumptions:

  • The Relying Party must register in order to be able to request credentials from EUDI Wallets and the authorization to request credentials from EUDI Wallets can be suspended or revoked.
  • The authentication mechanism must allow a user to reliably identify and authenticate a Relying Party. This shall ensure the user knows what entity requests their data.

RPs are authenticated by the Wallet using x.509 certificates (with the details of this check still TBD).

It is assumed there will be a registration mechanism where an RP (or the legal representatives of that RP, respectively) can apply for the issuance of suitable certificates. It is further assumed there will be different Certification Authorities authorized to issue such certificates across the EU. Every EUDI Wallet MUST be able to authenticate and authorize RPs registered in any of the EU member states. Please note that the authorization at this point must not be confused with the confirmation of the presentation of credentials by the user. These are two different mechanisms. How the authentication and authorization should be realized in detail is still under discussion.

The concrete mechanisms to register RPs is out of scope of this document.

The mechanisms to establish trust in the RP certificates are TBD.

Note: In addition, the Wallet instance should make all transactions (Issuance and presentation processes for PID and (Q)EAAs) transparent to the user after the fact, e.g., through a dashboard. Such information should be managed and stored by the Wallet instance only.

Wallet Trust Management

Within the eIDAS ecosystem, Wallets need to authenticate towards Issuers and Relying Parties in order to prove their authenticity and trustworthiness. Therefore, Wallet Providers or other parties authorized for that purpose by the respective national competent authority issue assertions regarding particular Wallet Instances. These assertions are referred to as "Wallet Attestations" or "Wallet Trust Evidence" within this document. The Wallet Provider may set up a pseudonymous user account for a particular user during the installation and activation of the Wallet Instance and associate various Wallet Attestations with this user account.

A Wallet Trust Evidence is signed by the Wallet Provider backend. These keys or certificates will be published on a trust list or other trust mechanism, which is TBD. By presenting the Wallet Trust Evidence during issuance process, the PID or (Q)EAA Providers may validate the authenticity of the Wallet Instance and verify that certain requirements for regulated use cases can be achieved. There have been discussions on the European level whether the Relying Party must directly verify the validity of the Wallet or if it can be implicitly done by the attestation provider and the RP just trusts the validity of the attestation (chain revocation). Currently, the legal interpretation of the regulation seems to favor the former. For that, the "Wallet Instance Attestation", is sent to the Relying Party during presentation. In contrast to the Wallet Trust Evidence, which may give the PID / (Q)EAA Provider additional metadata, like certification information of the WSCD, the Wallet Instance Attestation gives the Relying Party only the information about the status of the Wallet Instance. The implementation within this architecture proposal may change when consensus on the legal interpretation changes.

For the OpenID for Verifiable Credentials protocol family, the Wallet Attestations are JWTs conforming to the definition given in the OpenID4VC High Assurance Interoperability Profile with SD-JWT VC. The Wallet Attestation mechanism (OAuth 2.0 Attestation-Based Client Authentication) is yet to be finalized, so the details are subject to change.

A more detailed, generic flow for the issuance of a Wallet Attestation to the Wallet Instance is shown in the following linked description. Various issuance flows described in this document will refer to that description.

Description of the generic Wallet Attestation flow

For Relying Parties it would be helpful if all wallet implementations in Europe are sharing the same invocation mechanism. To ensure that only valid Wallets can be addressed we created the following proposal.

Issuer Trust Management

The ARF defines a number of issuing entities as part of the EUDI Wallet ecosystem, such as PID Providers, Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) issuing QEAAs/QES and non-qualified Trust Service Providers (TSPs) issuing EAAs. Each of these Issuers provide attestations according to their individual policy. A policy for PID Providers is given by eIDAS and requires Level of Assurance High. Policies for issuance of qualified certificates and the notification of Authentic Sources for the issuance of EAAs are also known under eIDAS. Other policies may have to be developed and are dependent on the respective business cases.

According to the ARF, a trust relationship between the Relying Party and the respective issuing entity must exist when releasing an attestation from the Wallet to the Relying Party. In general, a Relying Party validates an attestation by verifying an electronic signature linked to the attestation and created by the respective issuing entity under a certain Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). It is assumed that the PKI and the respective certificate of the issuing entity is linked to a policy under that the attestation and electronic signature was created. In order the get an attestation accepted by the Relying Party, the Relying Party must accept the respective issuing policy.