Privacy and Security¶
To ensure a secure and privacy-preserving EUDI Wallet design, the core properties listed in the following are desirable. They are either intended by the eIDAS regulation or are based on general principles and good practices of privacy and security.
Architecture designs for the various Wallet functions (see Sections Wallet Function: PID Issuance and Presentation, Wallet Function: (Q)EAA Issuance and Presentation, and Wallet Function: Login) will vary in the degree to which they can fulfill these properties. Furthermore, not all properties are equally applicable for all functions and use cases. This shall be assessed during the consultation process and be taken into account when evaluating the different design options.
Privacy Requirements¶
For system design and comparison of different solutions options we consider the following core privacy properties:
Unobservability refers to the property where an adversary cannot discern any useful information about a communication or transaction. This ensures that sensitive data, such as message content, sender or receiver identity, or any other relevant information, remains hidden from unauthorized parties. In this context, neither Wallet Providers nor Issuers shall be able to track where a user uses their credentials or learn details concerning the attributes provided.
For Wallet providers, this implies that the Wallet must run on a device under the user's control; in practice, this usually means a native app on a smartphone. Backend (server) components of the Wallet provider, if used, must not be able to track where users present their credential or learn details concerning the attributes of transactions.
For Issuers, this implies that there must be no involvement of the Issuer in the presentation process (e.g., for ad-hoc issuance or revocation checks) unless it can be ensured that the Issuer cannot track where the user presents their credential or learn details concerning the attributes of the presentation.
Unlinkability refers to the property that it cannot be distinguished whether two transactions are related to the same user or not.
Different definitions of unlinkability can be considered in this context (not all are equally applicable to all functions and use cases):
- Outsider: An adversary that may observe or modify the transactions should not be able to link two transactions to the same user.
- Relying Party: A Relying Party should not be able to link two presentation transactions to the same user (unless sufficiently identifying information is part of the presented credential).
- Issuer: An Issuer should not be able to link two issuance transactions to the same user (unless the user provides sufficiently identifying information as part of its authentication).
- Colluding Relying Parties: Two Relying Parties should not be able to link two presentation transactions to the same user by sharing the received presentations.
- Colluding Issuers: Two Issuers should not be able to link two issuance transactions to the same user by sharing the received information during issuance (e.g. wallet attestations).
- Colluding Relying Party and Issuer: An Issuer and a Relying Party should not be able to link an issuance and presentations session to the same user (unless the user provides sufficiently identifying information as part of their authentication to the issuer and as part of the presented credential).
Issuance and presentation protocols should support unlinkability and ensure that cryptographic keys and random numbers cannot be used as correlation identifiers, this also includes less obvious data fields such as timestamps or version numbers.
If a Relying Party requires to recognize a user across multiple transactions, it should use pseudonyms.
Data Minimization and Prevention of Overidentification¶
According to the principle of data minimization, Relying Parties shall only receive the data they need for the specific transaction. Various properties can help to achieve this:
- Pseudonymity: Pseudonymity refers to the possibility of using a pseudonym when authenticating online or presenting credentials, unless the identification is required by law.
- Selective Disclosure: Selective Disclosure is the property to disclose only selected attributes of a credential during the presentation. This means that the Wallet (with the user's consent) can present a selected subset of the data fields (claims) in a credential while other fields are not revealed to the Relying Party.
- Enforced Disclosure Limitation: Enforced Disclosure Limitation means that the scope of data Relying Parties can request can be limited by having Relying Parties register the data fields they need for a specific type of transaction and that the limitation can be enforced by the Wallet.
The following mechanisms are not considered in this proposal:
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Zero-knowledge proofs can be used to prove that a certain claim is true without revealing the actual value of the claim. For example, a user could prove that they are over 18 without revealing their exact date of birth. Zero-knowledge proofs are not supported by the credential formats chosen in the ARF and bring significant implementation and security challenges, especially as they are not in widespread use yet.
- Optional Data in User Consent: Some user consent implementations allow users to select which data fields they want to disclose to a Relying Party, out of those requested by the RP. While this can be seen as a privacy feature, for users, however, it can be difficult to understand which data fields are really required by the RP and what the consequences are of not disclosing certain data fields. When users encounter errors and have to repeat steps in the transaction process, it can be expected that they would refrain from unselecting any data fields in the long run. Therefore, such an option could lead to overidentification in the long run as Relying Parties can exploit user fatigue. Consequently, it seems preferable to ensure (by technical means and data privacy laws) that Relying Parties only request the data they absolutely need and not support optional data in user consent screens.
Repudiation (or “plausible deniability”, since “repudiation” actually refers to a single act of dispute although commonly used as synonym for the general ability to deny transactions) refers to the property that one of the entities involved in an identification transaction can plausibly deny to a third party (i.e., a party not involved in the transaction) in having participated in the transaction after its completion, or can plausibly deny to a third party having provided certain data. The ability to deny the transaction towards third parties does not impact the reliability of the transaction towards the Relying Party involved. Below, two repudiation variants are considered.
- Deniability of Data Authenticity: Deniability of Data Authenticity refers to the property that the authenticity of a credential and its attributes provided by the Issuer can be plausibly denied to a third party after a presentation. In this context, it is required that a Relying Party should not be able to prove to a third party the authenticity of a credential and the integrity of its attributes that it has previously verified.
- User deniability: User deniability refers to the role of the user in a presentation transaction and the user's authentication of the presentation. In this context it is required that a Relying Party should not be able to prove to a third party that the user has presented a credential in context of an identification, where the Relying Party was previously involved as verifier.
Note on repudiation in relation to identification: General understanding of identification processes is their short-lived nature. Presenting one's ID to a verifier in the analogue world has the immediate outcome for both not being able to prove the affair to someone else, as long as the ID has not been copied. Repudiation would achieve the same feature for digital identities.
The importance of repudiation for digital identifications might not be obvious, its absence however reveals a string of implications. In case of data breaches with authenticated PID involved, plausible deniability to the public would become highly favorable to the persons affected, especially if the involved Relying Party could arouse social discomfort. Regarding long-term storage, data leaks are generally more a matter of time rather than probability, since this risk cannot be thoroughly eliminated. Data thieves would obviously have a preference for guaranteed genuine copies over unauthenticated PID.
In some use cases, where records need to be kept by law, a long-living, non-repudiable declaration of intent is required to be verified by some third party; however, the specific requirements encountered by these use cases must be scrutinized. Usually, these declarations differ from identifications, so other means like QES are likely to be more appropriate. In any case, if a Relying Party has the requirement to prove an identification to a third party, it is the responsibility of the Relying Party to document and certify the identification procedure to the third party.
From an academic point of view, there is a lack of studies that examine the value of repudiation in connection with identification transactions compared to the impact that already arises from the leak of the collected data itself (e.g., use-case specific data in the context of record-keeping requirements). The value of non-repudiation may be limited since the authenticity of leaked data can often be asserted by other means, e.g., by verifying samples of the data against publicly available data. In this context it should also be considered what influence the fulfillment of other requirements, such as unlinkability, could have on the impact of non-repudiation and to what extent the strict application of the GDPR could minimize the risk of amassing authenticated data at Relying Parties.
The repudiation requirement and the appropriateness of using authenticated PID is subject of ongoing discussions within the consultation process.
Security Requirements¶
For system design and comparison of different solutions options we consider the following core security properties:
Level of Assurance (LoA)¶
Level of Assurance refers to the degree of confidence in the processes thus providing assurance that the user that uses a particular identity is in fact the user to which that identity was assigned. This property refers to the LoA of the eIDAS Regulation.
Unforgeability of Credentials¶
Unforgeability of credentials refers to the property that a credential can only be created by the legitimate Issuer and cannot be tampered by someone else. This property ensures the integrity and authenticity of a credential and its verification.
Freshness of Presentations¶
Freshness of presentations refers to the property that every presentation must be created anew for every verification. This property refers to the mechanisms used for binding a presentation to the presentation request of the Relying Party to prevent replay of presentations.
User Binding of presentations¶
User Binding refers to the property that credentials are under the sole control of the user. This property refers to the mechanism used for secure authentication of the user in the context of using the credential (e.g., by two-factor authentication linked with a cryptographic binding to the credential) to prevent unauthorized issuance or presentation of a credential. In the literature, this property is also described as holder binding.
Session Integrity¶
Session Integrity refers to the property that an attacker is not able to insert themselves into an authentication exchange between a Verifier and a Wallet or into an issuance process between a Wallet and an Issuer. This property requires mechanisms for binding communication to an authenticated session to prevent session hijacking.
Cryptographic algorithms¶
This section defines the cryptographic algorithms that should be used and are based on the recommendation of the BSI and SOG-IS.
- Issuer Signatures, DeviceSigned:
- ECDSA using brainpoolP512r1 and SHA-512
- ECDSA using brainpoolP384r1 and SHA-384
- ECDSA using brainpoolP256r1 and SHA-256
- ECDSA using secp256r1 and SHA-256
- Key binding/presentation and Verifier Signatures:
- MAC:
- Encryption:
- Hashing, PKCE (code challenge method):
- DPoP:
Note: The Brainpool curves currently do not have identifiers in the IANA registry for JOSE. Since there are multiple algorithms for the issuer to sign a credential, the relying party and the wallet provider needs to implement all of them. The same applies for the key binding/presentation.
In a later version of this document, we will evaluate if we can reduce the number of algorithms to reduce complexity.