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OID4VC with Wallet-Relying Party Attestations

When dealing with Wallet-Relying Party Authentication or [Disclosure Policies](../functions/06-disclosure-policies(, the issued certificates like access, registration, and authorization certificates should be included in the request from the Wallet-Relying Party. When they need to be fetched by the Wallet from the RP registrar, the Registrar would be able to monitor which wallet is interacting with which Relying Party. Instead the Wallet will only request the status information from the registrar by fetching the CRL or Status List.


OID4VCI flow with access certificate

Before issuing a credential into the Wallet, the Issuer has to authenticate against the EUDI Wallet before it receives the credential or presents any information during the authorization phase. To do this, the issuer has to sign its published Credential Issuer Metadata.

OpenID4VCI with Provider AuthenticationOpenID4VCI with Provider AuthenticationUser's EUDI Wallet Instance(Q)EAA ProviderWallet-Relying Party RegistrarEU List of RP RegistrarsUser's EUDI Wallet InstanceUser's EUDI Wallet Instance(Q)EAA Provider(Q)EAA ProviderWallet-Relying Party RegistrarWallet-Relying Party RegistrarEU List of RP RegistrarsEU List of RP Registrarsalt[Fetch Trust Anchor](001)[TLS] HTTP GET./eu-registrar-list(002)[TLS] HTTP 200 <EU RegistrarList>(003)[TLS] HTTP GET ./well-knownCredential Issuer Metadata(004)[TLS] HTTP 200 <CredentialIssuer Metadata>(005)validates RP identity(006)[TLS] HTTP GET ./status CRL(007)[TLS] HTTP 200 <CRL>

Step by Step:

  1. Wallet fetches the trust anchor from the EU
    • List of List as the Root of Trust
    • This step must not be done for each request, but the list should be up to date
  2. Wallet downloads and stores the list of RP Registrars
  3. Wallet fetches the Credential Issuer Metadata from the Issuer
  4. Issuer response with the Credential Issuer Metadata
    • If no signed metadata is provided, the process stops
    • The Access Certificate is included in the header of the JSON Web Signature
  5. Wallet is validating the RP's identity
    • Wallet validates the chain of trust of the request form the Access Certificate to the list of list it fetched before
    • In case of a the chain of trust is not valid, the process stops
  6. Wallet fetches the CRL from the RP Registrar
    • In case the trust chain is revoked, the process stops
  7. RP Registrar response with the CRL
    • If no CRL is provided or one certificate is revoked, the process stops


OID4VP flow with certificates

The following diagram outlines the process of a presentation request where the Relying-Party with the required certificates.

Presentation RequestPresentation RequestUserWalletRelying PartyWallet-Relying Party Registrar(Q)EAA Provider EU List of RP RegistrarsUserUserWalletWalletRelying PartyRelying PartyWallet-Relying Party RegistrarWallet-Relying Party Registrar(Q)EAA Provider(Q)EAA ProviderEU List of RP RegistrarsEU List of RP Registrars(001)fetches trust anchor(002)creates presentation request(003)sends presentation requestcertificates are attached(004)validates RP identitytrustchain is x509 based (PKI)(005)validates intended usevalidates trustchainalt[Validate policy](006)fetches issuer policy(007)validates policy(008)request suser interaction(009)approves(010)sends presentation response

Step by Step:

  1. Wallet fetches the trust anchor from the EU
    • List of List as the Root of Trust
    • This step must not be done for each request, but the list should be up to date
  2. RP creates the presentation request
  3. RP sends presentation request to Wallet
  4. Wallet is validating the RP's identity
    • Wallet validates the chain of trust of the request form the Access Certificate to the list of list it fetched before
    • In case of a the chain of trust is not valid, the process stops
  5. Wallet validates requested data against intended use
    • Validates the chain of trust of all passed Registration Certificates
    • Validates if the requested data is equal or a subset of the Registration Certificates
    • If one of the validations fails, the process is aborted. The user is able to report the incident, where it sends all the information to service to validate it. The report process is out of scope of this spec.
  6. Optional: Wallet fetches the issuer authorization policy from the issuer metadata
    • In case none is defined, step 7 is skipped
  7. Optional: Wallet validates the policy against the the passed Authorization Certificates
    • Validates chain of trust
    • Validates if all requested credentials are covered with the policy
    • In case one of the validation is invalid, show a warning to the user, but do not abort the flow (RP could still have a valid reason to fetch it).
  8. Wallet requests a user interaction
    • User gets the information who is requesting data with which purpose
    • In case a warning from step 7 was generated, show it here
  9. User approves the request
  10. Wallet creates a presentation response and sends it to the Relying Party

The flow continues by the verification of the response by the RP.

When fetching the policy for step 6, there is a minimal risk for the Wallet to be monitored by the Issuer:

Presentation request

The credentials set or its sub elements must not include a purpose value since it is overruled by the one defined in the authorization certificate.

The request includes a new credentials attribute, that allows to attach certificates like registration and authorization certificates.

  • type: STRING, media type of the attached credential, helping to parse the credential by the Wallet. The value has to be registered in the IANA media types registry.
  • data: ANY, content of the credential. Will be parsed by the Wallet based on the type.
  • credentialsMatch: STRING[], when the provided certificate is used for authorization, it will list the credential ids from the dcql_query.

In case the registration or authorization certificate the media types could be jose or jose-json depending on the serialization.

  "x5c": [], // chain of trust, starts with access certificate
  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "ES256"
      "type:" "jose",
      "data": "base64-encoded-registrationCertificate-jws"
      "type:" "jose",
      "data": "base64-encoded-authorizationCertificate-jws",
      "credentialsMatch": ["my_credential"]

Open Topics

Support of Proximity Flow

For the Proximity Flow of the MDL, the use of the Query Language defined by MDL has been suggested. In this context, the Registration and Authorization Certificates should also be issued as COSE_Signature, as JWS is not utilized in MDL. It remains to be evaluated whether the two certificates can be attached within the proximity flow or if they must be retrieved from the RP registrar. The latter approach may introduce potential privacy risks that are intended to be avoided.