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PID Option D: Authenticated Channel with Secure Element

Basic Ideas

  • There is an Applet in the Secure Element of the user's device. This applet belongs to the Wallet Provider's domain (difference in case of eUICC?). It could be used for very security sensitive credentials beyond PIDs.
  • The Wallet Design is composed of three elements: Wallet Backend, Wallet App and Wallet Applet
  • Applet is installed during Wallet App installation (if supported by the device and provisioning is possible through platform vendor/MNO)
  • Applet is provisioned with an assertion attesting applet managed key as (internally used) authentication key
  • Access to authentication key is protected by Applet-managed PIN

Note: This flow is shown here using the SD-JWT credential format, but the mdoc format can be used as well.

Responsibilities of the Wallet Components

Wallet App

  • RP authentication
  • Request processing
  • Combination of PID with (Q)EAA presentations
  • Response encryption
  • Access to Wallet App and Data managed by the App is protected by platform authentication

Wallet Applet

  • Management of PID specific device keys
  • Access to PID device keys is protected by Applet-managed PIN
  • Creation of proof of possession for wallet attestations (with PID device keys)
  • Data Storage for PIDs and PID data (could also just HMAC and encrypt and hand them over to App)
  • creation of credential presentations (not responses!)

Wallet Provider

  • Applet provisioning with authentication key
  • Attestation of Wallet App and PID device keys

Cryptographic Formats


Long-term keys:

  • Authentication key of Wallet Applet: \((auth\_pub, auth\_priv)\) — authenticates the applet
  • Wallet provider backend has keys: \((wp\_pub, wp\_priv)\)
  • PID Provider backend has keys: \((pp\_pub, pp\_priv)\)

Transaction-specific keys:

  • Wallet Secure Area generates device key \((device\_pub, device\_priv)\)
    • authenticity can be determined by applet assertion
    • a new key is generated per issuer
  • Wallet generates ephemeral key pair used to encrypt the credential response \((cre\_eph\_pub, cre\_eph\_priv)\)


  • Wallet applet creates device key PoP: \(device\_key\_pop := \text{sign}(wallet\_attestation\_nonce)_{device\_priv}\)
  • Wallet applet creates signed assertion: \(device\_key_\_attestation := \text{sign}(device\_pub)_{auth\_priv}\)
  • Wallet app creates wallet app attestation: \(wallet\_app\_attestation := \text{app\_attestation}(wallet\_attestation\_nonce)_\text{os\_keys}\)
  • Wallet backend creates wallet attestation: \(wallet\_attestation := \text{sign}(device\_pub)_{wp\_priv}\)
  • Wallet creates wallet attestation PoP: \(wallet\_attestation\_pop := \text{sign}(pid\_issuer\_session\_id)_{device\_priv}\)
  • Wallet applet creates device key PoP for credential issuance: \(device\_key\_pop := \text{sign}(c\_nonce)_{device\_priv}\)
  • PID Provider creates \(x5c\_header := \text{sign}(device\_pub)_{pp\_priv}\)
  • PID Provider creates \(user\_data\_jwt := \text{hmac}(user\_data, x5c\_header)_{\text{ecdh(device\_pub, pp\_pub)}}\)


Long-term keys:

  • Device key \((device\_pub, device\_priv)\)

Transaction-specific keys:

  • RP contribution to HMAC key: RP generates ephemeral key pair \((rp\_eph\_pub, rp\_eph\_priv)\)
  • KB-JWT Keys: Wallet applet generates ephemeral key pair \((kb\_eph\_pub, kb\_eph\_priv)\)


  • \(hmac\_key := \text{ecdh}(device\_priv, rp\_eph\_pub)\)
  • \(sd\_jwt := \text{hmac}(x5c\_header, \mathit{eID\_data}, kb\_eph\_pub)_{hmac\_key}\)
  • \(kb\_jwt := \text{sign}(nonce, audience, \text{hash}(sd\_jwt, disclosures))_{kb\_eph\_priv}\)


TODO: May want to expand to include metadata.

G cluster_pid_provider PID Provider cluster_rp Relying Party cluster_wallet Wallet cluster_applet Applet cluster_backend Backend cluster_os OS pp 🗝 (pp_priv, pp_pub) device_key 🗝 (device_priv, device_pub) pp->device_key sign (x5c header) shared_secret_k 🗝 shared secret K device_key->shared_secret_k ecdh-ka wallet_attestation_nonce wallet attestation nonce device_key->wallet_attestation_nonce sign (device key PoP) pid_issuer_session_id pid_issuer_session_id device_key->pid_issuer_session_id sign (wallet attestation PoP) c_nonce c_nonce device_key->c_nonce sign (credential issuance PoP) rp 🗝 (rp_priv, rp_pub) rp_eph 🗝 (rp_eph_priv, rp_eph_pub) rp->rp_eph sign (Auth. Request) rp_eph->shared_secret_k ecdh-ka auth_key 🗝 (auth_priv, auth_pub) auth_key->device_key sign (device key attestation) user_data eID data sd_jwt_hmac_key 🗝 hmac key shared_secret_k->sd_jwt_hmac_key key derivation sd_jwt_hmac_key->user_data hmac (SD-JWT) kb_eph 🗝 (kb_eph_priv, kb_eph_pub) sd_jwt_hmac_key->kb_eph hmac (SD-JWT) nonce_audience nonce, audience kb_eph->nonce_audience sign (KB-JWT) wp 🗝 (wp_priv, wp_pub) wp->device_key sign (wallet attestation) os 🗝 (os_priv, os_pub) os->wallet_attestation_nonce sign (wallet app attestation)

Not shown: user_data_jwt

Note: x5c header does not have to be signed in SD-JWT

Sequence Diagrams and Step-by-Step Description of Each Step

Each step of the protocol will be explained using a sequence diagram followed by a step-by-step description.

Wallet Activation

User Journey: Wallet Activation - Authenticated Channel - Secure Element

To initialize the wallet, the Wallet obtains wallet attestation as defined in Wallet Attestation.

Credential Issuance

Credential Issuance Sequence Diagram

User Journey: PID Issuance - Authenticated Channel - Secure Element

PID Issuance over OpenID4VCI using AuthenticatedChannel and Secure ElementPID Issuance over OpenID4VCI using AuthenticatedChannel and Secure ElementUserWallet Secure Cryptographic DeviceUser's EUDI Wallet InstancePID ProviderUserOpenID HolderUserOpenID HolderWallet Secure Cryptographic Device(WSCD)Long-term Key: (device_pub,device_priv)Wallet Secure Cryptographic Device(WSCD)Long-term Key: (device_pub,device_priv)User's EUDI Wallet Instance(eID-Client)User's EUDI Wallet Instance(eID-Client)PID Provider(eService+eID Server)Long-term Key: (pp_pub,pp_priv)PID Provider(eService+eID Server)Long-term Key: (pp_pub,pp_priv)assumption: wallet applet already provisioned and set up with a walletapplet attestation the wallet provider can use to authenticate the appletinstance, user authentication with dedicated PIN(001)open wallet, unlock walletScreen: launch_walletScreen: unlock_wallet(002)request issuance of PIDScreen: credential_catalogPID Issuer and EUDI Wallet have inherent trust relationship, metadata maybe pre-configured or retrieved(003)[TLS] HTTP POST</session_endpoint> walletattestation nonce(004)generate and store nonce(005)[TLS] HTTP 200 <walletattestation nonce>(006)get proof of possession forwallet attestation (walletattestation nonce)Attestation guarantees with high certainty that Wallet is trustworthy andnot manipulated(007)[TLS] HTTP POST PAR(client_id, code_challenge,wallet attestation+PoP, eitherscope orauthorization_details)(008)verify wallet attestation andcheck Wallet Provider solutionstatus on trust list(009)[TLS] HTTP 200 request_uri(010)[TLS] HTTP GET <OpenID4VCIAuthorizationRequest(request_uri)>Screen: consent_add_credentialScreen: eid_startRead eID or Smart eID acc. to BSI TR-03130(011)[TLS] HTTP 200 starting theeID Process(012)eID Process(013)<eID-PIN>Screen: eid_pin(014)eID Process(015)[TLS] HTTP GET finishing theeID process with refreshUrlScreen: eid_nfc_data(016)[TLS] HTTP 302 <OpenID4VCIAuthorizationResponse(authorizationcode)>(017)[TLS] HTTP POST <TokenRequest(authorization code,PKCE code_verifier, walletattestation, DPoP Header)>(018)lookup authorization codegenerate TokenResponse withDPoP access tokenverify PKCE challenge(019)[TLS] HTTP 200 <TokenResponse(DPoP-boundaccess_token, c_nonce,optionalauthorization_details)>(020)generate of proof ofpossession for attested keydevice_pub with c_nonceScreen: wallet_pin(021)generate credential responseencryption key pair(cre_eph_pub, cre_eph_priv)(022)createcredential_response_encryptionobject with jwk containingcre_eph_pub(023)[TLS] Credential Request(DpoP bound access token,format,credential_response_encryptionobject, device_pub)(024)verify the access token(025)perform ECDH-KA withdevice_pub and pp_priv andderive session keys(026)create user data JWT from eIDdata and HMAC(027)create certificate chain withdevice_pub as leaf and signwith pp_priv(028)generate encrypted credentialresponse JWT using the valuesreceived in thecredential_response_encryptionobjectrepurposing OpenID4VCI as certificate provisioning, instead of credentialissuance(029)[TLS] Credential ResponseJWT with user data as JWTcontaining signed device_pubin x5c header(030)decrypt credential responseJWT and retrieve user dataJWT(031)user data JWT with x5c header(032)perform ECDH-KA withdevice_priv and pp_pub andderive session keys, validateHMAC of user data JWT(033)securely store user data, x5cheader and associated(device_pub,device_priv)(034)return credential handleScreen: successScreen: home

Credential Issuance Step-by-Step Description

  1. The user opens and unlocks their Wallet
  2. The user browses through the pre-configured credential catalog and chooses to request a PID
  3. The Wallet requests a fresh nonce for the wallet attestation nonce (wallet attestation)
  4. The PID Provider generates a fresh nonce linked to the issuance session
  5. The PID Provider returns the wallet attestation nonce to the Wallet
  6. The Wallet performs a wallet attestation
  7. optionally fetches a new wallet attestation from the Wallet Provider if not existent yet
  8. generates a proof of possession (PoP) for the public key of the wallet attestation using its WSCD
  9. The wallet sends the Pushed Authorization Request to the PID Provider; containing
  10. the Wallet Provider's client_id
  11. authorization_details for PID
  12. a PKCE code_challenge
  13. a wallet attestation and proof of possession
  14. either scope or an authorization_details parameter requesting the PID
  15. The PID Provider verifies the wallet attestation and its proof of possession and validates the certification status of the Wallet Solution on a trust list
  16. The PID Provider returns a request_uri that is bound to the Pushed Authorization Request
  17. The Wallet sends the Authorization Request; containing
    • the PAR request_uri
  18. The PID Provider responds with the first step to start the eID process with the wallet app, e.g. the tcToken. Note that this is the direct HTTP Response to Step 14.
  19. Further communication is exchanged to perform the eID process
  20. The user provides the eID PIN to the wallet app.
  21. Further communication is exchanged to perform the eID process
  22. The eID process is finished and as a final step the Wallet sends a request to the PID Provider calling the refreshURL. From now on Wallet and PID Provider are using the TLS-PSK channel generated by the eID flow.
  23. The PID Provider responds to the Wallet with an Authorization Response; containing
    • the auth code
  24. The Wallet sends a Token Request to the PID Provider; containing:
    • the auth code from Authorization Response
    • the PKCE code_verifier matching the code_challenge from Authorization Request
    • the wallet attestation and proof of possession
    • a DPoP key
  25. The PID Provider matches the code, verifies the PKCE code_verifier to the previously received code_challenge and verifies the wallet attestation. It then generates an access token bound to the DPoP key.
  26. The PID Provider sends a Token Response; containing
    • DPoP-bound access token
    • a c_nonce
    • an authorization_details object, in case the authorization_details parameter was used in the Authorization Request.
  27. The Wallet uses the device binding key (device_pub, device_priv) from the wallet attestation and signs the c_nonce using the Secure Element (WSCD)
  28. The Wallet generates a new ephemeral keypair (cre_eph_pub, cre_eph_priv).
  29. The Wallet creates the credential_response_encryption JSON object containing the following information:
    • a jwk containing the cre_eph_pub
    • the JWE alg parameter
    • the JWE enc parameter
  30. The Wallet sends a Credential Request to the PID Provider; containing
    • the DpoP-bound access token
    • the credential_response_encryption object
    • the device binding key device_pub and the proof of possession
  31. The Issuer validates the access token and the proof of possession
  32. (SD-JWT) The PID Provider performs DH key exchange with the Wallet's public key device_pub and its private key pp_priv, generates a shared secret k and derives a MAC key
  33. (SD-JWT) The PID Provider creates a user data JWT containing the eID data and secured with a HMAC
  34. (SD-JWT) The PID Provider creates a certificate chain containing device_pub and signing with pp_priv
  35. (SD-JWT) The PID Provider creates an encrypted JWT (JWE) using the values received in the credential_response_encryption object and adds (among others) the PID credential to the payload.
  36. The PID Provider sends the Credential Response JWT; containing:
    • user data JWT with the certificate chain in x5c header
  37. The Wallet decrypts the Credential Response JWT using the cre_eph_priv and retrieves the user data JWT.
  38. The Wallet forwards both artifacts to the Secure Element.
  39. The Secure Element performs DH key exchange with the PID Provider's public key pp_pub and its private key device_priv, generates a shared secret k, derives the MAC key and validates the authenticity of the user data JWT.
  40. The Secure Element stores the user data and the x5c certificate chain securely and associates them to device_pub.
  41. The Wallet returns a credential handle to the Wallet for future referencing the data for generating a PID.

Credential Presentation

Credential Presentation Sequence Diagram

User Journey: PID Presentation - Authenticated Channel - Secure Element

Presentation of PID for Option D12Presentation of PID for Option D12UserBrowser AppRelying PartyUser's EUDI Wallet InstanceWallet Secure Cryptographic Device (WSCD)UserOpenID HolderUserOpenID HolderBrowser App(same device)Browser App(same device)Relying PartyLong-term Key: (rp_pub,rp_priv)Relying PartyLong-term Key: (rp_pub,rp_priv)User's EUDI Wallet Instance(eID-Client)User's EUDI Wallet Instance(eID-Client)Wallet Secure Cryptographic Device (WSCD)as Secure ElementLong-term Key: (device_pub,device_priv)Wallet Secure Cryptographic Device (WSCD)as Secure ElementLong-term Key: (device_pub,device_priv)(001)browse to applicationScreen: same_device_relying_party_start(002)[TLS] HTTP GET <rp-website>(003)generate ephemeral key pair(rp_eph_pub, rp_eph_priv)every RP in the ecosystem must alwaysinclude ephemeral key in client metadata forECDH-KA for MAC, however we need theephemeral key anyway for encryption(004)create OpenID4VPAuthorization Request, sign with rp_priv, store under <request_uri>,bind to browser sessionAuthorization Request includes:- presentation_definition- state- nonce- rp_eph_pub with PoP bound to client_id(005)[TLS] HTTP 200 HTMLcontaining wallet-linkopenid4vp://authorize?")client_id=..&request_uri=<request_uri>(006)action to start flow/launchwallet(007)launch with wallet-linkopenid4vp://Potential security risk: Wallet app may bespoofed by malicious appScreen: launch_wallet(008)unlock walletmay be moved to later point in flow orremoved, see notes.Screen: unlock_wallet(009)[TLS] HTTP GET<request_uri>Potential privacy risk: RP learns existance ofwallet app and potentially identifyinginformation (e.g., headers)(010)[TLS] HTTP 200 <JWT-SecuredAuthorization Request>(011)validate AuthorizationRequest JWT using rp_pub(012)user consent to present PIDScreen: consent_present_credentialdetermine if we need wallet attestation forpresentation flows(013)prepare credentialpresentation (rp_eph_pub,credential reference, claims todisclose, input for KB-JWT)(014)perform DH key exchangewith rp_eph_pub anddevice_priv, generate shared secret kand derive MAC key for PID(015)generate ephemeral key pairfor KB-JWT (kb_eph_pub,kb_eph_priv)(016)create SD-JWT with userclaims from secure storage,include kb_eph_pub and x5cwith device_pub, HMAC usingMAC keySD-JWT data is HMAC'd, not signed(017)create the KB-JWT with inputprovided by the wallet app(018)PID SD-JWT+KB-JWT(019)create vp_token andpresentation_submission PIDSD-JWT+KB-JWT(020)add mDL presentationaccording to<presentation_definition>with <nonce> to vp_tokenand presentation_submissionScreen: wallet_pin(021)[TLS] HTTP POST encrypted<AuthorizationResponse(presentation_submission,vp_token, redirect_uri, state)(022)perform DH key exchangewith rp_eph_priv anddevice_pub, generate shared secret kand derive MAC key(023)match session with <state>and verify <vp_token> PIDwith MAC key and kb_eph_puband SD-JWT with ECDSA(024)[TLS] HTTP 200 <redirect_uriwith response_code>(025)launch browser with<redirect_uri withresponse_code>Screen: success_redirect(026)[TLS] HTTP GET <redirect_uriwith response_code>(027)match response_code(028)[TLS] HTTP 200 <HTML withcontinued UX flow>Screen: same_device_relying_party_identified

Credential Presentation Step-by-Step Description

  1. User browses to Relying Party (RP) website
  2. Browser app on the user's device opens the RP website
  3. RP generates a key pair to be used for ECDH key agreement for SD-JWT hmac'ing
  4. RP generates an OpenID4VP Authorization Request and stores it under a request_uri (e.g.,;
  5. The request is bound to the user's browser session
  6. It is signed using a key bound to the RP's metadata that can be retrieved using the RP's client_id
  7. It contains the ephemeral key for ECDH key agreement for SD-JWT hmacing
  8. It contains RP's nonce and state
  9. RP returns a HTML page to the browser containing a link to the wallet app (e.g., openid4vp://authorize?client_id=..&request_uri=
  10. The user clicks on the link
  11. The RP website navigates to the custom scheme link to launch the wallet app
  12. The user unlocks the wallet app (see notes below)
  13. The wallet app retrieves the Authorization Request from the RP website (e.g.,
  14. The wallet app receives the Authorization Request
  15. The wallet app validates the Authorization Request using the RP's public key
    • Was the signature valid and the key bound to the RP's metadata?
    • Security: This ensures that the Authorization Request was not tampered with; it does not ensure that the party that sent the Authorization Request is the RP.
  16. The user gives consent to present the PID to the RP.
  17. The wallet app queries the Secure Element for the PID providing:
    • the credential handle referring to the PID credential,
    • the ephemeral RP key rp_eph_pub from the RP's authorization request,
    • a list of claims,
    • input for the KB-JWT (directly or hash)
  18. The Secure Element performs DH key exchange with the ephemeral RP public key rp_eph_pub and the private part of DeviceKey device_priv , generates a shared secret k and derives a MAC key for the deviceAuth
  19. The Secure Element generates an ephemeral key pair for the KB-JWT (kb_eph_pub, kb_eph_priv).
  20. The Secure Element creates the issuer-signed part of the SD-JWT (using the MAC key) containing:
    • stored x5c header
    • stored user claims
    • kb_eph_pub as cnf claim
  21. The Secure Element creates a KB-JWT payload containing the nonce, audience, and a hash of the SD-JWT and the selected disclosures and signs it using kb_eph_priv.
  22. The Secure Element sends the SD-JWT and KB-JWT to the wallet app.
  23. The wallet app creates a VP token and a presentation submission from the received SD-JWT PID.
  24. Optional: The wallet app can add the mDL presentation using the nonce and ECDSA according to the presentation definition
  25. The wallet app sends the VP token and presentation submission to the RP (encrypted to the RP's public key rp_eph_pub).
  26. The RP performs DH key exchange with the PID deviceKey public key, generates a shared secret k and derives a MAC key.
  27. The RP finds a session with the state and verifies the PID in the VP token with the MAC key.
  28. The RP generates a response code, attaches it to the same session, and returns it to the wallet app via a redirect_uri.
  29. The wallet app launches the browser with the redirect_uri and response code.
  30. The browser sends the redirect_uri and response code to the RP.
  31. The RP matches the response code with the browser session (i.e., ensures that the session tied to the browser session matches the one tied to the response code).
  32. The RP considers the user to be identified in the session context and continues the UX flow.

Extensions to the Protocols

This section defines extensions to the protocols required to implement this flow (Option D).

Issuer Session Endpoint (at the PID Provider)

Note that this extension is the same across multiple flows.

This endpoint is used by the Wallet to obtain session_id from the PID Provider that is used to bind PoPs to the session and prove their freshness. Support for this endpoint is REQUIRED.

To fetch the session_id, the Wallet MUST send an HTTP request using the POST method and the application/json media type. The PID Provider MUST return the HTTP Status Code 200 and a session_id parameter defined below.

  • session_id: REQUIRED. String that is a unique session identifier, chosen as a cryptographically random nonce with at least 128 bits of entropy.

Communication with the Session Endpoint MUST utilize TLS.

Below is a non-normative example of a request to a Session Endpoint:

POST /session_endpoint HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Below is a non-normative example of a response from a Session Endpoint:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store

  "session_id": "iOiJSUzI1NiIsInR"

OpenID4VCI Credential Issuer Metadata

Note that this extension is the same across multiple flows.

This document defines the following additional Credential Issuer Metadata parameters:

  • session_endpoint: REQUIRED. URL of the Credential Issuer's Session Endpoint, as defined in a previous section. This URL MUST use the https scheme and MAY contain port, path, and query parameter components.

Usability Considerations


  • The Wallet needs to be initialized on a mandatory basis
  • During initialization, the user must set a Wallet PIN
  • Having only one Wallet PIN has the advantage that the same PIN (eID PIN excluded) could probably also be used for other credentials (also at the same LoA). From a UX perspective, this would be a great added value for users.
  • The wallet can only be used after successful initialization


  • Credential catalogue should inform users in advance of what is required for the successful issuance of the PID and what steps follow
  • For reasons of transparency and to increase trust, PID Provider should provide sufficient information (metadata) for the consent screen. This allows users to learn everything relevant e.g. about the PID Provider itself
  • eID process is integrated in Wallet. No context switch to the AusweisApp is required
  • Physical ID card is required for issuing the PID credential
  • Online-Ausweisfunktion must be activated
  • eID PIN must be set by the user (replacement of the Transport PIN) and be known to them so that they can successfully confirm the process
  • User must confirm the process with the eID PIN and the Wallet PIN. The distinction between the two PINs should be easier for users than the distinction between eID PIN and PID PIN
  • User can have a PID credential derived from the eID on several end devices at the same time


  • Offline support for PID representation
  • Relying Party should inform users in advance of what is required for the process to be completed successfully and what steps follow
  • It needs to be clarified whether the wallet app needs to be unlocked in this flow and how this should be implemented.
  • For reasons of transparency and to increase trust, Relying Parties should provide sufficient information (metadata) for the consent screen. This allows users to learn everything relevant e.g. about the relying party itself, privacy and data retention
  • To be able to display the user's data values for the requested attributes on the consent screen, the wallet must first be unlocked with the wallet PIN (to access data from the SE)
  • The user only needs to enter the Wallet PIN for each PID presentation
  • Physical ID card is not required for PID presentation
  • It must be ensured that users return to the correct tab in the correct browser in order to continue the process or know how to get there manually if necessary (especially for iOS devices, if the process was not started in the default browser)

Privacy considerations

  • What is the information that is shared with the wallet provider backend? Is it okay if the backend learn which PID Providers are used?
  • Multiple device keys must be used to ensure unlinkability across issuers and/or across relying parties
  • Selective Disclosure is achieved by ensuring that the credential contains only those data items (claims) that are requested by the RP.

Security considerations

  • eID Process in the browser means that a remote cooperating party can complete the eID retrieval for the attacker (easier than when used via app)