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Disclosure Policies / Relying Party Authorization

This document outlines a proposed solution for implementing the disclosure policy requirements from the Implementing Acts (IA) 5a to handle authorization during presentation of credentials.


In this model, the (Q)EAA provider directly defines rules for which RP data requests are acceptable directly, adhering to the dynamic authorization framework discussed later. Rather than using an allow list approach, the authorization is credential based, giving more flexibility to the Issuer to manage the policy.

The authorization requirements for accessing Personal Identity Data (PID) and Electronic Attribute Attestation (EAA) data prioritize flexibility and scalability while addressing the following shortcomings of traditional methods like allowlists and static trust anchors:

  • Limitations of Allowlists: Maintaining a comprehensive and updated list of entities (e.g., pharmacies) across Europe is impractical, given the large number of the Relying Parties and their varying roles.
  • Challenges with Root of Trust Models: Static root of trust mechanisms introduce risks due to inconsistent registry coordination, and are unable to adapt to evolving authorization needs across multiple jurisdictions.

To overcome these limitations, the solution advocates for an attribute-based authorization model that uses a query language like Digital Credentials Query Language (DCQL):

  • Attribute-based access control: The usage of a query language to realize authorization policies avoids the pitfalls of static mechanisms by:
    • Ensuring RPs are validated through machine-readable, real-time policies.
    • Allowing issuers to define granular, adaptable rules for data access.
  • Automation and Transparency: The Wallet processes DCQL based requests automatically, providing users with clear insights into how their data will be used, while ensuring compliance with issuer-defined policies.

(TODO: When using proximity flow, the query language from MDL spec should be used.)

Trust Architecture

  • Authorization Certificate:
    • An authority (e.g. a banking authority) issues certificates to Relying Parties, such as banks.
    • RPs include these certificates in their requests, ensuring only authorized RPs access data.

International interoperability

The format of the following certificates and how to include them in the presentation request need to be aligned across the EU to ensure interoperability among the Wallets and the RPs:

  • Authorization Certificate

The following can be specified individually by each member state without impacting interoperability:

  • Setting up management for Authorization Certificates

Out of Scope

The setup and administration of authorities responsible for the discovery of the disclosure policies and the setup of the authorities issuing the required credentials are out of scope of this document.


G tl Trusted List wrp Wallet-Relying Party wrp_registrar Wallet-Relying Party Registrar wrp->wrp_registrar onboarded wrp_registrar->tl published wallet Wallet vp Verifiable Presentation wallet->vp creates i Issuer vc Verifiable Credential i->vc issues dc Disclosure Policy auth Authority for an eco system dc->auth references as authority ac Authorization Certificate auth->ac issues ac->wrp issued for ac->dc required for vc->wallet issued for vc->dc references vp->wrp presented to

Authorization Certificate

The Authorization Certificate is a JWS/COSE_Signature that is used for the attribute based access control by the RP and is bound to the Access Certificate.


typ: REQUIRED, should be set to auth-dcql. Value is not defined in the IANA media types registry yet.

iss: REQUIRED, the distinguished name of the issuer of the Authorization Certificate, which should be the authority that issues the attribute based access control attestation. When the Wallet receives an authorization certificate, it has to make sure that the issuer is matching with the defined root_of_trust by the credential's issuer.

sub: REQUIRED, the subject of the Authorization Certificate, which should be the distinguished name of the RP.

status: REQUIRED, reference to the status management, the token status list is used.

iat: REQUIRED, the time the Authorization Certificate was issued.

exp: OPTIONAL, the expiration time of the Authorization Certificate.

cnf: OPTIONAL, the confirmation method to bind an Authorization Certificate to a specific Access Certificate. The Certificate Thumbprint Confirmation Method is used to bind the Authorization Certificate to one Access Certificate. Since the access certificate is a X509 based one, this seems to be the only standardize way to bind it according to the published JWT conforming methods.

  "x5c": ['dddd'], // chain of trust, first entry is the regulator, e.g. BMI
  "typ": "auth-dcql",
  "iss": "CN=BMI, O=BMI, C=DE", // should be the distinguished name of the issuer
  "sub": "CN=SPRIND GmbH, O=SPRIND GmbH, C=DE", //should be the distinguished name of the RP Access Certificate
  "iat": 1683000000,
  "isAgency": true,  
  "status": {
    "status_list": {
      "idx": 0,
      "uri": ""
  "cnf": {
    "x5t#S256": "bwcK0esc3ACC3DB2Y5_lESsXE8o9ltc05O89jdN-dg2" //fingerprint to the RP access certificate    


The same attributes as in the JWS are used.

cnf: The Certificate Thumbprint Confirmation Method is not one of the registered confirmation methods, but it is used to bind the Authorization Certificate to the Access Certificate. The x5t#S256 is the used method name.

Disclosure policy

Each credential has it's own policy set for authorization. A RP should be able to register the mapping of the credentials it is issuing and policies in the RP Registrar database so it can be discovered and fetched by others.

The whitelist and rootOfTrustList approach from the IA 5a are not recommended here because of inefficiency. The whitelist would need a constant update when new relying parties should be added or removed. And the rootOfTrustList will be quite insecure since you can only limit it down to one specific registrar in a member state, but not go into more detail.

While embedding the policy has the advantage of being self-contained, the issuer is not able to update the policy without reissuing the credential. Because of this, the policy should be linked and then cached by the Wallet.


The authorization methods will be defined in the authz to support alternative approaches in the future. The issuer should not add more than one method to the authz object since it is not clear which one should be used, what the priority is and what to do in case of a conflict.

allowlist: a list of Relying Parties identifiers that are authorized to request this credential. This approach is called Authorized relying party only policy in the Implementing Acts. For the unique identifier the distinguished name of the RP is used.

rootOfTrust: the certificate of a RP must be derived from a list of specific root certificates. In the Implementing Acts it's called Specific root of trust. The value has to be the distinguished name of the root certificate.

attribute_based_access_control: a attribute based access control approach where the issuer is able to define the conditions of credentials the Relying Party has to pass to the Wallet to be authorized. The Dynamic Credentials Query Language (DCQL) is used to describe the requirements and allow the Wallet to automatically compare this against the presented credentials of the Relying Party.

  • The credentials parameter represents a list of credential queries. This functionality is enhanced by the root_of_trust property, which specifies a list of issuers or trust anchors, represented by the distinguished name, that the credential's issuer must be based upon. For example, in Germany, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) can be designated as the root of trust for the isBank attribute, ensuring that only entities recognized as banks can issue this attestation to Relying Parties classified as banks.
  • The credential_sets parameter represents a lists of credential set queries, allowing to define multiple conditions for authorization. In the example below a RP is authorized to fetch the credential when it has either an attestation for being a bank or a ministry.
        "format":"jws", //needs to be set to jws since authorization certificates are jws        
            "name":"Given Name",
            "name": "Vorname",

Providing approaches

To fetch the policy, the issuer is able to link them via the credential format or the transport method.

Credential format

For SD-JWT VC, the policy can be referenced in the SD-JWT VC Type Metadata. To protect the integrity of the policy, the issuer can add an integrity check and reference it in the metadata.

  "name":"Education Credential - Preliminary Version",
  "description":"This is our development version of the education credential. Don't panic.",
  "authz": "",
  "authz#integrity": "sha256-o984vn819a48ui1llkwPmKjZ5t0WRL5ca_xGgX3c1VLmXfh"

Transport method

The policy can be linked in the issuer metadata:

  "credential_configurations_supported": {
    "SD_JWT_VC_example_in_OpenID4VCI": {
      "format": "dc+sd-jwt",
      "scope": "SD_JWT_VC_example_in_OpenID4VCI",
      "cryptographic_binding_methods_supported": ["jwk"],
      "credential_signing_alg_values_supported": ["ES256"],
      "vct": "SD_JWT_VC_example_in_OpenID4VCI",
      "authz": {}, //policy is embedded or linked here

Instead of publishing the rules directly into the issuer vc metadata, the rules can also be linked like:

  "authz": {
      "reference": "",
      "reference#integrity": "sha256-o984vn819a48ui1llkwPmKjZ5t0WRL5ca_xGgX3c1VLmXfh"

Privacy Considerations

Since the policy is linked and needs to be fetched, there is a minimal risk of monitoring:

  • The policy for it is placed into the general issuer metadata at /.well-known/openid-credential-issuer that includes all credentials the issuer offers.
  • The Wallet is able to cache these information locally and needs to fetch the endpoint just to get periodic updates. This could also be the case to sync information like the display data.
  • The request of the endpoint is without any kind of authentication so the issuer only receives the IP address. The Wallet should not insert any user agent information that allow the issuer to identify the holder.

A malicious issuer could use a unique domain like so each credential issued is using a unique sub domain. To eliminate this risk, all domains need to be registered or make public available, e.g. via the RP Registrar to avoid such a behavior and to allow the Relying Parties to discover the authentication rules for the credentials offered by an Issuer. The same attack vector exists when using status management like CRL or bitstring based approaches, where each credential gets a unique url.