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Consultation Process

Consultation, i.e. the systematic involvement of stakeholders, experts and the general public in the political decision-making process, is an integral part of the project. Only by taking into account diverse perspectives and expert insights from different backgrounds can white spots be identified and secure, user-friendly and data-saving EUDI wallets (European Digital Identity Wallets, digital wallets for storing and managing identification data) be realised for Germany. To ensure this, various consultation formats have been taking place since the start of the project, which are described in more detail below.


Since the kick-off of the architecture & consultation process, three workshops have been held on key aspects of EUDI wallets and their potential infrastructure in Germany. The first workshop on possible use cases took place on 20 August 2023, followed by the second on possible operating and business models for EUDI wallets on 23 October 2023. Finally, all questions relating to data protection and privacy in EUDI wallets were discussed with the public at the data protection workshop on 14 May 2024. Following input from representatives of the BfDI and the digitalcourage e.V. association, the main focus was on the topics of user consent and signed data.

The aim of the workshops is to gather expertise and suggestions from civil society, business and academia and incorporate these into the development of the EUDI wallet architecture concept. Video recordings and a summary of the results will be published afterwards here on OpenCoDE. In principle, any person, organisation, interest group, association or company can take part in the workshops. Information on future dates, such as the application process and the format of the event, will be made available in good time on OpenCoDE.


Lively exchange at the workshop on operating and business models on 23 October 2023 in Berlin


Input from the BfDI at the data protection workshop for EUDI Wallets

Open Consultation Hours

Interested parties can ask general questions about EUDI wallets and the architecture and consultation process in regular open online consultation hours. This ensures a low-threshold offer for participation. Previous consultation hours have encouraged constructive dialogue with stakeholders and interested parties, and project participants have been able to answer a wide range of questions, for example on current versions of the architecture concept and on business and issuance models.

The recordings of the consultation hours and documentation of the questions can be found here.

Further consultation hour dates and information on registration will be published in good time at News.


OpenCoDE is a platform that enables everyone to actively and collaboratively participate in the design and development of the EUDI wallet and is the project's main consultation tool. Consultation formats are documented here, key project results are recorded and the latest version of the architecture concept is published. The platform promotes collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between all those involved and contributes to efficiency and quality in the architecture and consultation process. Everyone, regardless of experience or background, is invited to get involved and become part of the process.

The architecture and consultation process is organised in two OpenCoDE repositories. eIDAS2 documents the consultation process, position papers and statements, project presentations and other generally relevant documents. At eIDAS 2.0 Architecture Concept - Public you can always find the latest version of the architecture concept, which is being developed iteratively. By creating so-called "issues", comments, suggestions, feedback or general questions about the development of the EUDI wallet can be shared. Those involved have the opportunity to provide feedback on the consultation process as well as questions and suggestions on the architecture concept.

You can submit general comments or queries about the architecture & consultation process here:

Existing "Issues" for the project can be found here:

Comments and queries relating specifically to the current architectural proposal can be submitted here:

Existing "issues" relating to the current architectural proposal are collected here:

Ein Issue erstellen

Creating an "Issue"


The perspective of civil society stakeholders is to be further strengthened in the consultation process. For this reason, partners are always being sought for 30-minute interviews. The interviews should not focus on the technical view of eIDAS, but rather on possible usage scenarios, expectations and concerns from society. In particular, representatives of interest groups (associations, organisations, etc.) who have not yet had their say in the process are cordially invited to take part in this short interview format. If you can imagine supporting the project with an interview and thus contributing to secure and user-friendly EUDI wallets in Germany, please contact the relevant mailbox:

Last update: February 27, 2025